One of My Most Important Messages Yet
Learn to express your sovereignty or it's game-over.
This is Important and Interesting...
I think by now you can see how AI has progressed to the point where it can be relied upon to give sensible advice, even if it lacks the terrain knowledge of specific courts, judges, or political environments. It allows us to minutely examine the compliance of officialdom to due process, without getting bogged down in matters that they themselves refuse to engage in — such as morality, equity, or constitutionality. Martin Geddes, Substack: Future of Communications, 27th December 2024 |

Martin Geddes clarifies some of my recent thoughts about AI potentially being a disaster for the powers-that-shouldn't-be because of its innate ability in reason and logic... and therefore truth! and Discussion - 27th November (Weds)
Do join me! :-)
A Crucial 50-minute Video - Please watch
Please share this widely.
Don't forget, however, to watch Mark Passio's full seminar on Natural Law. This is only a taster!
Dates for October Online Course Published
I have now published the dates for the next online course - which will be the 8th, 9th & 10th October. Full details here:
For those interested in the deep causes of the increasingly collectivist condition we are witnessing in society, this course is a real eye-opener. This will join a lot of dots for people and cause a greater recognition of one's own sovereignty. This, in turn, leads to more effective and powerful action.
Do join Will, and spread the word to others who may be interested.
Our Evolution: Understanding Individual Rights and Living Accordingly - September 15th, Totnes

Just as a reminder - Will is delivering a full-day course in Totnes this coming Sunday 15th September in Totnes, Devon.
- The Nature of Liberty
- Consciousness and Morality
- Rights
- The Necessity to Adopt an Individualist Ideology
- Justice and our Constitution
- Natural Law and the Requirements for Living in a Free Society
Live Interview with Ben Ruben

Details and Joining Link:
The Root Cause of our Unhealthy Society - Ignore this and it's game over
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This is why I started the video series 'Understanding Individualism & Collectivism'. (linked below). Although these words sound a bit academic, I believe this is the issue of our time and will be the most important point of understanding and evolution in this age. If we get this wrong it's game over in my view. However if we pay proper attention to this and make serious efforts to understand this topic, we could pull things around.
Seriously, ladies and gents, this is not just about understanding 'conspiracy'. If you think you're on the right track just because you've recognised that the world isn't quite what you were told it is, you have some work to do in my view. The manipulation is much deeper and your ideological foundations really need to be checked. Even people who believe they're 'awake', are holding contradictory thinking and performing mental acrobatics in their daily lives without even noticing it - largely through conflicted beliefs.
As a former teacher I wouldn't last a day in the environment that is being described in this article above.
Have a read of of this short article (linked above) and then, if you haven't already, start watching my series of short videos that take people through the steps of logic and reasoning in why an adoption of Individualism as our ideology and a rejection of collectivist thinking are critical actions for a free society. Here it is...
Please be in no doubt of the need for all of us to become familiar and well-practised with these ideas and arguments so that in conversation we can hold our own and even begin to alter people's foundational thinking and frames of reference. We have no choice in this and I am making this my absolute top priority, because living in alignment with nature and reality requires us to understand the dangers of collectivism in taking us to a place of oblivion and nothingness.
I cannot emphasise this enough. Please would you not only make use of these videos yourself but share widely - not just once - but continue to do so, not only by email to others you know, but on other platforms, youtube comments, online articles on mainstream media sites etc. Have some courage and realise the profound importance of what I am talking about here.
This series is not completed yet (at the time of writing this). There are currently eight parts and there are likely to be around fourteen-fifteen, so keep an eye. It is important that you watch these in order from the start - don't pick and choose (I realise it's tempting!)
Best wishes all,
The Nature of Morality

- The objectivity I am claiming is not a list of dos and don’ts - like legislation. I.e. doing this is OK, doing that is not - I'm not meaning that
- Nor am I saying that the ‘objectivity’ of morality that I am claiming can be found from first principles - I’m not saying that either. It’s more that the objectivity can come to be known through conscience, the unfolding of events and through experiences in life.
- The objectivity of morality exists at a much more subtle and complex level.
- To become truly moral as a human being, is life’s most profound challenge and is ultimately affecting more than anything else our spiritual evolution personally and in the collective.
- The laws of morality is about the dynamics that govern our interactions and relationships with each other and the effects that are delivered back as consequences - that’s Natural Law.
- Every interactive situation that we face in life involves responses, decisions, actions etc.
- Getting this wrong can cause us to put into effect feed-back loops and self-destructive patterns within our own lives and in society at large.
- This can be described as ‘self-sabotaging’. Not spotting at a deeper level, the various subtle methods of self-harm that we do to ourselves.
- What determines a moral or immoral response is governed by a whole complex web of interconnected and intertwining factors. Each situation is fundamentally different because the context is different.
- That is why law must be about context and intent - as we have come to realise.
- Within that complexity, however, are patterns that emerge that demonstrate a certain consistency
- There are, therefore, recognisable characteristics to every given situation that display consistent patterns that indicate the ultimate appropriate moral response - and therefore responses that might be considered inappropriate.
- Because of that complexity we, by no means, get this right all of the time.
- Morality is not simple - just because we express it often in simple terms in phrases such as…
- Do no harm, Cause no loss, act in honour, call out wrong-doing or…
- My rights end where another’s begin
- These are simple expressions that help us determine morality - they are describing some broad-brush principles that we know will more likely cause us to come into alignment with reality
- Sometimes we can spot the morality in a situation easily and sometimes we can’t.
- Each human being’s moral compass operates similarly. Consulting our consciences brings back often quite consistent answers. Not always - but it’s surprising how often we concur on matters of morality - especially when people engage in hard discussion with a view to resolution. That itself is an indication of the consistency and objective nature of the patterns of morality.
- Where we don’t concur, that is one reason why the jury is needed - even if that jury takes a different form from the traditional 12 in English Law. Loosely it is the concept of a tribunal of people - multiple consciences coming together to do the hard work of moral discovery.
- Sometimes we’ve ‘forgotten’ or even been programmed to forget some of those extrapolations of truth in morality and that is where not only do we require others to point out those blind spots to us but also, where we already understand it, point it out to others who have missed it. We all have blind spots in that moral truth, but some have more than others.
- Examples of those situations where we fall into traps of moral blind-spots might be…
- the belief in taxation
- the belief in the ‘right’ of the majority
- the belief in government authority or the state
- the erroneous belief in the need for ‘correcting’ issues of inequality. (Mixing equity and equality)
- the erroneous belief that an entitlement is a right (related to the above)
- One of the nastiest ‘tricks’ that has been perhaps played on us, is the idea that this complexity that I’m describing here is actually moral relativism - it isn’t. Making up your own morality (moral relativism) is, itself, an immorality. But sometimes people confuse complexity with relativism. Just because the clarity in a moral conundrum is difficult to reach, doesn’t mean that morality is relative.
- These moral blind spots can really be described as a collectivist mindset. You are adopting (often without even noticing) collectivist beliefs in the power of a group over an individual.
- Therefore, at the base level of all of this, is the need or requirement - by reality - for human beings to become completely and intimately familiar with what it is to hold Individualist base principles and understand that collectivist thinking is itself immoral according to the very reality in which we live.
Declaration of Dependence 2.0 - Essential Viewing
Well done to Mary Poindexter McLaughlin. Please share this everywhere. It is crucial that we use humour - and especially satire - on the establishment and political class.
Nigel Watson: Cycles of Violence
Nigel speaks so well on this - and passionately!
Interview: Will Keyte Uncovers Natural Law and Society's Perilous Path

Many thanks to Gavin and Damien of Sovereign Empowerment for the opportunity to get into these important subjects deeply. Hugely enjoyed the discussion!
Youtube Channel for LawAndAlchemy Started
This has been kicked-off with the new series on Individualism and Collectivism...
This is perhaps the most important subject that society needs to grapple with right now as this is a requirement by Natural Law for our evolution.
Currently only the first two videos are uploaded but the others will be following shortly!
William Keyte Launches Regular Discussion and Q & A Sessions
It would be great to see you online in these meetings/discussions! Details in the 'Courses and Events' section...
A Question of Trust
Watch this in which John eloquently discusses why it is that people are not getting themselves into the right mind set and sufficient level of care in order to call things out sufficiently and take action:
- Right and wrong behaviour
- Individual rights
- Trust
- Trial by Jury
Our Evolution: Understanding Individual Rights and Living Accordingly - September 15th

Join Will in person in Totnes on 15th September. Details here.
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us
A must watch. John Lock in Australia nails the issue.
Second Online Course Published

First Online Course - Dates Published