Learning Opportunities

In addition to the freely accessible learning resources on this site and at www.CommonLawConstitution.org, Will offers a range of paid-for talks and courses both in-person and online. These include:

  • One-to-one or small group zoom calls (no more than 4 or 5): Conducted over Zoom, this provides an opportunity for an individual or small group to have a more personalised explanation of these esoteric subjects to help bring understanding. You will be provided with some recommended sources of information and reading as your next steps.
  • Day Online Course (delivered as a Webinar over Zoom) (Limit 20 people): This covers similar material to the in-person day course and offers approximately 6 hours of valuable material covering Constitutional Law, self-governance, equity and freewill, belief systems and ideologies that are inline with Nature and those that are not, a short dive into human psychology in relation to truth and lies, the esoteric subject of Natural Law and our human purpose of evolution. Dates for these courses are published at least 2 weeks in advance so keep an eye. Cost is £20 per person.
  • Q and A sessions: These are approximately 2 hours of live Q and A with Will on the subjects of Constitutional Law and the broader material covered by this site. Cost £8 per person. Conducted over Zoom.
  • Online sessions for Home-Educated children: A session aimed at children of 14 and up (depending upon maturity). Will can suggest and discuss content with parents and work with them. Cost is dependent upon duration and size of the group. Conducted over Zoom.
  • In-person (on-location) Day Course: These happen usually every couple of months and are organised when someone local to an area wishes to run the course at a suitable venue. Will presents the course within a day usually starting between 10.00 or 10.30 am and proceeding until around 5 pm (between 5-6 hours of material). There is a lunch break and the odd break for teas/coffees. Attendees are provided with resources and further reading material following the course in addition to the slides. Cost is £20 per person.
  • In-person (on-location) Presentation / Talk: These occur usually every couple of months and are organised by someone local to an area who wishes to run the talk at a suitable venue. Will presents a condensed presentation usually focussing on why the restoration of our Constitution is not only the solution to gaining greater liberty but also assists in our deeper healing. There is normally a Q and A or discussion following. Cost is £10 per person.
If anyone is interested in holding one of the courses or presentations locally, or you are interested in an online event for yourself, small group or children, please do contact me to discuss it. Email Will at [email protected]

Enrolment and Payment

Online events are by personal request by email. Email me (Will) at [email protected] with your Firstname and Surname labelled clearly. Payment will usually be by bank transfer - details of which will be provided on application. Events are usually conducted over Zoom unless stated otherwise.

In-person events are normally cash on the door

Suitability for Working with Children

Will is a trained and qualified teacher and had 15 years of experience in schools as a Teacher, Head of Department and Pastoral responsibilities among other roles. He is fully understanding of the value of Home Education.